I'm sitting on my bed trying to edit a monster of a book (it needs A LOT of work!) and outside my window what do I hear? Harmonica. Somebody practices the harmonica around this time every afternoon (it's 3:30 as I write this post) and you know what? They're pretty darn good. Not this good. Not yet. But getting better every day. If you're wondering how you can support me in bringing you songs and visits every day, the easiest thing you can do is tell your friends about the site. Tell anyone you know--particularly people who are isolated and enjoy music. Readers of adult fiction can also buy my books or check them out from your local library. Supporting my AudioErotica endeavour on Patreon would also help me hugely! I'm also an Amazon Influencer, so hopefully I can make a little pocket change when you buy stuff by clicking through my affiliate links . But you don't HAVE to do any of that. I'm very happy to get a daily visit...
Last week, my partner was talking about the movie Midnight Cowboy , which I'd never seen. I laughed because I've been watching Futurama on DVD lately, and the film is spoofed briefly in one episode. I never got the reference until my partner described Midnight Cowboy to me. Ever since, I've had this song--Riptide--in my head, just floating around back there, not demanding terribly much attention. This morning, I recited some of the lyrics to my partner and said, "Do you think he's talking about Midnight Cowboy ?" My partner had, unsurprisingly, never heard Riptide. I honestly don't know where he's been for the past 40 years, because he doesn't seem to be familiar with any music that was created after 1979. Anyway, I played my partner the lyric video (he was particularly amused by the line "I want to be your left hand man"), and when it mentioned the "movie that I think you'd like," he said that did sound like Midnight Cow...
All good questions. Let me explain. My name is Giselle and I'm your new best friend. Well, maybe not "best friend." A best friend usually listens in addition to talking, but that's not me. What I will do is be here every day, starting June 1 2019, to share with you whichever song pops into my head. Why? What's the point? Well, here's the thing: I'm a writer. It's a pretty lonely job. Over the years, I've become increasingly socially isolated and you know what? It sucks. It sucks bad. The truth of the matter is that a lot of us are socially isolated, these days. And not just older people--younger ones, too. There are "friendly visitor" programs for seniors, but those of us under 65 are kind of lost at sea. I speak from experience. Let me be your friendly visitor! If you need a no-pressure visit every day, let me be your visitor. I'll bring a song--whichever song pops into my head, gets stuck in my head, or seems relevant...
This music video was among the preshow weirdness before this week's Movie Jo Night (on the Mary Jo Pehl Show channel on Twitch). I had never heard the song before, but I instantly fell in love with it. I had no idea what the song was called. I found it on the internet by googling the lyrics... which are quite odd. If you're wondering how you can support me in bringing you songs and anecdotes, the easiest thing you can do is buy my books (most are for adults only!) or check them out from your local library. Supporting my AudioErotica endeavour on Patreon would also help me hugely. I'm also an Amazon Influencer, so hopefully I can make a little pocket change when you buy stuff by clicking through my affiliate links . I also recommend subscribing to my newsletter. I generally e-mail subscribers with a weekly update, and I would LOVE to have you on the list. Click here to sign up: http://eepurl.com/R4b11 See you soon! Giselle
I bet there are people who create blogs because they want to show the world how smart they are. Not me! Every day I discover I'm even stupider than I thought I was. It's a wild adventure. So, today, for example, I learned that this song is called Nights in White Satin. My entire life, I thought it was Knights in White Satin. I thought it was a song about knights... in white satin. They're knights. They wear satin instead of armour. This is a song about them. I am not joking. I've held that belief since childhood, and I never thought to challenge it until today, when my parter and I were discussing the song. Still an evocative track, even if it's not about jousting. If you're wondering how you can support me in bringing you songs and anecdotes, the easiest thing you can do is buy my books (most are for adults only!) or check them out from your local library. Supporting my AudioErotica endeavour on Patreon would also help me hugely. I'...
The other day, I mentioned my partner's cousin just died. He's taking her death pretty hard, and telling me lots of stories about her life. To him, she was always a colourful character. Their family was very religious and straight-laced, so the fact that she'd done LSD, for example, made her a bad girl in the extreme. My partner recounted to me hearing his cousin sing this song--Janis Joplin's "Mercedes Benz"--when the adults weren't around and feeling absolutely scandalized. He'd never heard anything so blasphemous. So today's post is going out to my partner's cousin, in loving memory. She's still the talk of the town. If you're wondering how you can support me in bringing you songs and visits every day, the easiest thing you can do is tell your friends about the site. Tell anyone you know--particularly people who are isolated and enjoy music. Readers of adult fiction can also buy my books or check them out from your local...
I had a wonderful time at my family's Christmas party yesterday. Most of my extended family was able to make it, and I got to see my cousins' little kids for the first time this year. Time went by in a snap. It was fun. There wasn't a quiet moment. Everyone was eager to catch up, but that side of the family is so big there are probably a dozen people I didn't get a chance to speak to at all. And I wish I had! One of my cousins is about to move to the same city where my stepkids went to university. I wanted to talk to him about that, but never got the opportunity. My cousins and I don't tend to communicate except in person, at these family gatherings--which are few and far between, now that my grandmother is no longer with us. I miss my grandma. I think we all do. She was our matriarch and we adored her. Today's song of the day is always the first one that pops into my head when I need to think of an example of a Christmas tune. No clue why. There are so many...
It's pretty unusual for my dreams to have a soundtrack, but last night's did. My dream was supposed to be some kind of TV show. I don't know whether it was a crime drama or what, but there was this couple and toward the end of the dream, some hucksters were encouraging them to enter this room. All the cool kids were doing it, that sort of thing. Go in the room. Just go in the room. When we, the viewers, saw inside the room, it was a dull, dark place. Other people were in there. Other couples, I'm guessing. They weren't being tortured or anything. That's what I'd imagined I was about to see: something really horrific. But it wasn't horrific. It was just quiet and boring. Sorry to provide way too much insight into my decimated psyche, but I think this dream was supposed to be about marriage. The narrator (my dreams don't usually have narrators, but this one did, being a TV show and all) kept mentioning engagement rings and proposals. Anyway, I wok...
I'm going to classify this clip as painfully nostalgic and nostalgically painful. There is nostalgia, but not in a good way. There is mostly pain--what The Mads would call Deep Hurting. That's this. I fell down a Captain and Tennille rabbit hole while doing research for a book (also known as wasting time instead of writing), and it landed me here. I can't even pinpoint what I find so painful about this. Maybe the total fakeness of it? Maybe just the 70s in general? Maybe the fact that so many of these entertainers are dead and/or have sad stories around them? Maybe it's just the fact that I don't like watching musical numbers like this on TV programs, like on awards shows or anything like that. I always find them cringeworthy, and I don't know why. Anyway, I'm supposed to be writing a book at the moment. Better get back to it. I've set myself a strict timeline for this one. If you're wondering how you can support me in bringing you songs and a...
My partner usually gets out of bed before I do. If we ran the dishwasher the night before, the first thing he does is quietly unload the clean dishes and put them away. When I get up, if I notice that he's done this (big IF, there...), I thank him. He's always perplexed by the thank you. He's like... of course I unloaded the dishwasher. Why wouldn't I? I see all these tweets from women's whose husbands call or text them to say "I unloaded the dishwasher" like they're expecting a doggie treat in return, and I realize how lucky I am. My partner isn't even of my generation (he's older than me) and he does practically everything around the house. He reasons that it's his house, so why would he expect me to clean it? Well, I spend the vast majority of my time at his house--that's why. The only tasks that have really become MINE are washing the dishes (he dries) and cleaning the bathrooms (he cleans the entire rest of the house). And...