#SongoftheDay Dream Come True (Frozen Ghost)

It's pretty unusual for my dreams to have a soundtrack, but last night's did.

My dream was supposed to be some kind of TV show. I don't know whether it was a crime drama or what, but there was this couple and toward the end of the dream, some hucksters were encouraging them to enter this room. All the cool kids were doing it, that sort of thing. Go in the room. Just go in the room.

When we, the viewers, saw inside the room, it was a dull, dark place. Other people were in there. Other couples, I'm guessing. They weren't being tortured or anything. That's what I'd imagined I was about to see: something really horrific. But it wasn't horrific. It was just quiet and boring.

Sorry to provide way too much insight into my decimated psyche, but I think this dream was supposed to be about marriage. The narrator (my dreams don't usually have narrators, but this one did, being a TV show and all) kept mentioning engagement rings and proposals.

Anyway, I woke up with this song in my head. I'd always assumed it was called "Love of My Life" but apparently it's not. It's called "Dream Come True." Kinda funny, considering I dreamed it.

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