#SongoftheDay Nobody Knows Kelli (Young Black Teenagers)

Yesterday I shared with you my favourite music video from the early 90s.

This one was my second-favourite.

Watching yesterday's video and today's back to back, I notice they both seem to draw inspiration from comic books. I'm thinking I probably didn't understand what this song was getting at--I was a spectacularly naive kid... and preteen... and teen. Kids today seem so much more sophisticated than I was at that age.

And I'm not even THAT old--my partner didn't know what sex was until Grade 12! There weren't no sex ed back in the 60s, apparently.

Anyway, I thought this song was funny when I was young. I wasn't "allowed" to watch Married With Children, though, as I've mentioned before, when one parent is passed out and the other works nights, you pretty much get to do whatever you want. Married With Children was on in syndication every night at 11pm, but I really didn't watch it too often. Enough to know who Kelly Bundy was, but, overall, I thought the show was over-the-top crass.

I guess you can credit me with some degree of sophistication.

Although, I must admit, I loved this video:

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See you tomorrow!

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